
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Power Plant Elements (Steam Turbine) Shceme

1 - cooler ;
2 - circulation pump ;
3 - power line ;
4 - step-up transformer ;
5 - turbogenerator ;
6 - low-pressure cylinder of the steam turbine ;
7 - condensate pump ;
8 - surface condenser ;
9 - cylinder medium-pressure steam turbine ;
10 - shut-off valve ;
11 - high pressure cylinder of the steam turbine ;
12 - deaerator;
13 - regenerative heater ;
14 - fuel transporter ;
15 - coal bunker ;
16 - Coal mill ;
17 - drum boiler ;
18 - slag removal system ;
19 - super-heater ;
20 - The fan ;
21 - reheater ;
22 - air intake ;
23 - Saver ;
24 - regenerative air heater ;
25 - Filter;
26 - exhauster ;
27 - smokestack .
The water heated in the boiler to a state of superheated steam ( 520 to 565 degrees Celsius) , rotate the steam turbine driving the induction generator . Excess heat is released into the atmosphere or nearby ponds through condensing units unlike co-generation power plants, favoring the excess heat to the needs of nearby objects (such as home heating ) .

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