A motor is installed for the purpose of driving some
item of plant such as a pump, compressor or fan, and it imparts mechanical power
to its driven load. This is true power,
and the motor takes it in electrically in the form of active power (i.e.
kilowatts) from the main electrical system.
Most of the input electrical power is passed on to the
driven load, but some of it is lost within the motor itself. These losses can be listed as follows:
losses due to load
losses independent of load.
Since the speed of the motor is virtually constant, the
first two (friction and windage) may be considered constant at all loads. ‘Iron losses’, which are due to the imperfect
magnetisation of the iron, depend on the magnetising flux and so on the applied
voltage; as this is constant, the iron losses may also be regarded as constant
at all loads.
The principal current drawn by the
machine is the active current which powers the load and which therefore varies
as the load varies. The heating loss due
to any current is I2R,
therefore the ‘copper losses’ due to the load current are variable and are
roughly proportional to the square of the load.
These variable losses occur in both the stator windings and the rotor
Finally, even when there is no
mechanical load on the motor, it is still drawing some active power to supply
the losses; it is also drawing magnetising (reactive) power. Both these result
in an appreciable no-load current, which itself gives rise to some I2R losses. These are the ‘copper losses independent of
load’ and are also almost constant.
The losses for which a motor must
draw active power, in addition to the power required to supply the load and how
they vary with load, are shown in Figure 4.1.
There is a constant element which is always present, even at no-load,
and a variable element which is roughly proportional to the square of the load.
Suppose the input power and losses
(both in kWe) are plotted to the same scale against the mechanical
output load (in kWm). Draw
the line representing the input power actually needed for the load above the zero
line; it will be a straight line OP at 45° through O. Draw the loss
curves below the zero line. They will
consist of two parts: a constant part representing friction, windage, iron
losses and copper losses independent of load; this is the horizontal line
TQ. The other part representing copper
losses depending on load will be a ‘square law’ curve which, when added to the
constant loss line TQ, gives the total loss curve TR. The point S represents full-load mechanical
Then at full-load the part PS is the
mechanical output power, SQ the constant losses, and QR the variable copper
losses. The line PR is then the total
power required to meet the load and to supply all losses - that is, the total
input power in kWe.
and this is clearly less than unity.
some other load S’ the efficiency is
, and it can be seen that this is less than the full-load
. This shows that the
pattern of losses causes the efficiency to fall with reduction of load until,
at no-load where the output is nil, the efficiency becomes zero.
All losses result ultimately in
heating, and the motor must be designed to dissipate heat at the maximum rate
at which it can be produced without overheating the machine. For small motors their cases can usually do
this, but larger motors normally need a fan.
The largest may require cooling through an air/water heat
exchanger. Cooling is further discussed
in Chapter 3.
As explained in Chapter 2, the
operation of an induction motor requires a rotating magnetic field - that is to
say, it needs to be magnetised. In the
manual ‘Fundamentals of Electricity 1’ it was stated that magnetisation causes
inductance in a circuit, and in ‘Fundamentals of Electricity 2’ it was shown
that inductance gives rise to ‘inductive reactance’ in an a.c. circuit. This
causes the magnetising current to lag 90° on the applied voltage (neglecting resistance).
Whereas active current creates a
demand for active power (watts), reactive current calls for reactive power, or
An induction motor therefore demands
active power to meet its mechanical output load and to supply its losses, but
it also demands reactive power to supply its magnetisation. Whereas active power will vary with the
loading, as shown in Figure 4.1, the magnetisation remains virtually constant
and independent of the loading, since the rotating field is present whether the
motor is working or running light.
Therefore the reactive (var) loading can be regarded as constant while
the active (watt) loading varies with loading.
Figure 4.2 shows pictorially how the
active and reactive power to a motor is generated, distributed and consumed. Active, or true, power originates from the
generator’s prime mover as mechanical output from the engine. On the other hand reactive power emanates
from the generator’s excitation system through its main field.
In Figure 4.2 the active power route
is indicated in red, and the reactive power route in blue. Both powers come from the generator itself
through a common cable. At the
switchboard they give a common current indication on the generator ammeter, and
both combine to give a power-factor indication.
Then they separate to give independent wattmeter and varmeter
indications. They recombine to feed the
motor through a common cable. At the
motor the reactive power is used to magnetise the machine, and the active power
supplies the (variable) mechanical load and also the losses.
The following example shows how
these two types of power combine at various loadings.
Example Q A 6.6kV, 400 hp motor has a full-load
power factor of 0.8. What are its load current and power factor at full-load,
half-load, quarter-load and no-load?
Assume a full-load efficiency of 90%.
Neglect no-load losses.
A 400 hp is equivalent to ¾ x 400 = 300kWm
If efficiency
is 90%, fuII-Ioad input power is 
a table as follows ready for insertion of values as the calculation proceeds:
/ (amps)
(The two
figures in ‘boxes’ were given in the question or deduced as above. The remainder are calculated as follows.)
The zero power factor at no-load is theoretical, as no-load losses have been
neglected. In practice the losses at
no-load are appreciable, and a typical no-load power factor is 0.2 to 0.3.)
All the above calculated figures
have been inserted in the table.
Deductions from the Table
If the table is examined carefully,
certain conclusions, some perhaps surprising, can be drawn.
(i) As loading is
reduced, both motor current and the kVA are also reduced, but by no means in
proportion. Due to the continued
presence of the magnetising current, the current and kVA at no-load are still
more than half their values at full-load (in the example taken). This means that the reading of a local motor
ammeter must be taken with reserve as an indication of motor loading.
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